Where were my glasses when I was young?
Where was my attention span at school?
Where were my friends when I broke my leg on the secret bike trail?
Where was I when I was supposed to be kissing for the first time?
Where was I when you were supposed to be kissing for the first time?
Where was I the day the music died?
Where was I when my grandfather needed me?
Where was my grandfather when I needed him?
Where was I when my grandfather died?
where were you when I went to the movies for the first time?
where were you when I read my first book?
where were you when I wrote my first book?
where were you on April 3, 2002?
where were you when I stopped watching the news?
where was I when you were upset?
where were you when I was lonesome?
where was time when I was having fun?
where was my smile when it was handsome?
where did all my sketches go?
where did my enthusiasm wind up?
where did my computer come from?
where did "Poor Folk" come from?
where did classical music come from?
where did my great-grandfather come from?
where did my fear of being left alone as a kid come from?
where did my stutter come from?
where did my memories come from?
where did my map come from?
where was I at prom?
where was I after?
where was I near the road?
where lie the remains of my boat?
where was I when my friend fell off a tree?
where was I when decisions were to be made?
where were you when I found out I had no talent?
where I am now, there is a red couch.
where are you, dear flower?
Anywhere really. I suppose.
Gerard K. Slovak
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